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Have Hope


Updated: Mar 15, 2019

By: Jamie Patterson

On 13 October 1972, Uruguayan Flight 571 crashed into the Andes mountains after a pilot error. Having crashed off course, the survivors had no chance of being found. Things got worse when an avalanche covered the wreckage the survivors used as shelter and they had to resort to desperate measures to stay alive. Two of the passengers, Nando Parrado and Roberto Canessa, would set out to find help or literally die trying. Without any gear, the two trekked out through the unforgiving Andes mountains and after triumphantly reaching the first mountaintop, only saw nothing but mountaintops in every direction. Yet, Parrado continued to motivate Canessa and after months of brutal conditions, they would eventually stumble upon a Chilean rancher who would lead to the survivors getting saved.

I know during times that I’ve felt down, had my joy sucked out of me, and doubted if God had more for me or if I had reached my peak. It is easy to be consumed in our circumstances, and to wave the white flag. The prophet Elijah went through this deep range of emotions as seen in 1 Kings 18&19 where he would go from the great miracles on Mount Carmel and defeating his enemies, to be on the run from his own people and wicked rulers, broken down and in despair. Yet God provided for Elijah and revealed Himself to Elijah during that time, and God is doing the same for you!

When the Uruguayan flight crashed, Parrado was only 19 years old and lost his mother and sister in the crash on top of some of his friends. He himself was left for dead because he suffered severe head trauma that left him in a coma for three days. Yet, God woke him up because he was the one that God chose to lead the survivors and encourage them in the trial! Parrado was the motivator that kept the others mentally strong throughout the process. God works the Miracle of the Andes through Parrado. Remember, God is also giving you new life to walk the incredible, unbelievable journey that he has for you no matter the difficulty! Always remember, “The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; his mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.” Lamentations 3:22-23

Reflection Questions:

1) Have you ever fought through a difficult situation, reached a mountaintop only to be discouraged at see all of the other mountains? If so, I encourage you to remember our God moves mountains! (Isaiah 54:10)

2) Are you being called to lead or follow through on a difficult journey? If so, remind yourself of Joshua 1:9.

3) Parrado didn’t survive alone, it was a team effort. Are you working together with the body of Christ to ensure success? (1 Corinthians 12:12)

God, I pray for all who read this to be encouraged and that they believe in the hope that comes from Jesus! I pray that You remember Your love for them and strengthen and encourage them at all times. May their burdens be light and their hearts strengthen. May Your Spirit guide us at all times. In Jesus name I pray, amen!

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